extreme reverse okeetee tessera
extreme reverse okeetee tessera
We are thrilled you are here.

I am Patrick Murphy. I was born in and still live in Illinois.

Like most reptiles lovers, I first became interested in reptiles as a child crawling through creeks, fishing with my father or fascinated with exploring on my nature hikes. Also being allergic to most four legged pets with fur helps inspire the journey into reptiles. Along the way I cared for a snake here or there, some lizards, salamanders but not much in the way of a keeper or breeder.

A few years back, my boys and I wanted to dive into something so we attended a large reptile Expo and came home with several corn snakes. At the time the goal was to watch and learn. As with all things fun and adventurous, our curiosity grew from there into several different species that we care for today.

Our goal with IC Reptiles is to share what we do with others, share resources we find/use and spread the love of reptile keeping. Along the way, we come across animals that need homes, supplies to be reused, tips/tricks and share the lessons we have learned. Some lessons we learn are difficult. Some are fun. Some are just down right cool. Regardless we welcome you to join in our journey and allow us to help you in yours.

The crew at IC Reptiles

gargoyle gecko
gargoyle gecko